
ACEG Won the Bid for Expressway Franchise Project
  |  Updated: 2024-08-16  |  Views: 8846

Recently, the joint venture with ACEG as one of the members won the bid for S40 Ningguo to Zongyang Expressway Chizhou section franchise project, total investment being about RMB 10.403 billion Yuan.

As an important part of S40 Ningguo to Zongyang Expressway, with total length of 46.225 kilometers, the project has franchise period of 33 years including construction period of 3 years. It starts from the Jingqing Expressway under construction at the junction of Jing county and Qingyang county in Anhui province, and ends at the south approach bridge of Chizhou Yangtze River Rail-Cum-Road Bridge.

The project will further improve the layout of pathway crossing the Yangtze River in Chizhou City, and play an important role in integrating resources of the regions along the Yangtze River, achieving common prosperity. It is of great significance for enhancing the radiation ability of the development zone along the Yangtze River, promoting transportation integration of the Yangtze River Delta, and realizing integration of transportation and tourism in southern Anhui.

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