
ACEG Ranked on ENR’s “Top 250 International Contractors” List for 15 Consecutive Years
  |  Updated: 2023-08-28  |  Views: 14227

Engineering News-Record (ENR) unveiled the rankings of 2023 "Top 250 International Contractors" on August 24 Beijing time, among which 81 Chinese enterprises were included.

Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (ACEG) took the 181st spot in the "Top 250 International Contractors" ranking and this is the 15th year in a row that ACEG has been listed among ENR's Top 250 International Contractors.

In ENR's "Top 250 Global Contractors" list (ranked by total of domestic and international turnover), Anhui Construction Engineering Group entered the top 50.

浦县| 宿州市| 中牟县| 大连市| 吴江市| 南溪县| 新乡县| 来凤县| 金溪县| 通城县| 得荣县| 舟山市| 将乐县| 玛纳斯县| 将乐县| 太仓市| 襄汾县| 溧水县| 广水市| 珠海市| 浦江县| 襄樊市| 江川县| 积石山| 邵阳县| 连云港市| 阿勒泰市| 合作市| 原阳县| 九龙坡区| 东至县| 长海县| 广灵县| 玉田县| 华亭县| 大余县| 杂多县| 武功县| 甘谷县| 陵川县| 绍兴市|