
ACEG Algerian Branch / French Language Training Improves Personnel’s Communication Skills
ACEG Overseas Business Department  |  Updated: 2022-09-23  |  Views: 8426

ACEG Algerian Branch has long attached great importance to the French and Arabic language trainings for its Chinese employees. Recently, the Ain Defla Hot Spring Hotel Project of ACEG Algerian Branch, which is under construction, has established a French language study corner, Chinese employees are encouraged to participate the French language study classes during their evening breaks and holidays in order to improve the communication abilities between the Chinese staff and the supervisor of the Project owner and the local staff, as well as the localization management level of the project. Chinese employees eagerly take part in the activity.


The training contents mainly include three parts: basic French pronunciation, common French vocabulary for construction engineering and conversational French, the goal is to rapidly improve the basic French conversation ability of the trainees, so as to meet the daily work needs and provide helps and supports for the smooth progresses of the project works.


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