
World should support China's Zero-COVID policy: Bloomberg
Xinhua  |  Updated: 2022-02-11  |  Views: 26123

NEW YORK, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- China has scored success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic by carrying through its Zero-COVID approach, which means a lot to the country and world in a positive way, Bloomberg reported earlier this week.


China has had repeated outbreaks, but these have all been quashed by government controls like the recent lockdown of the city of Xi'an, which kept 13 million people indoors for about a month through late January, according to the report.


"Repeated rounds of mass testing and contact tracing have so far been enough to control recent outbreaks of the Omicron variant in Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, and elsewhere," said the Tuesday report titled "Why the World Needs China's COVID-Zero Policy."


Over the past two years, China's zero-tolerance policy of lockdowns, mass testing, and strict border quarantines for COVID-19 has prevented a huge number of deaths at home and ensured that everything from iPhones and Teslas to fertilizer and car parts continues to flow to the rest of the world.


"If consumers and businesses want to continue to buy goods made in China without having to endure shortages and further price hikes, they should want China to stick with its 'COVID-Zero' policy," Bloomberg said in the report.


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