
ACEG Algerian Branch held ceremony to usher in the work safety month
ACEG Overseas Business Department  |  Updated: 2021-06-09  |  Views: 12888
The National Work Safety Month falls in June every year and this year is no exception.
On June 1st, 2021, ACEG Algerian Branch and its affiliated projects held a safety oath and officially launched the 2021 Work Safety Month.
June this year marks the 20th National Work Safety Month in China, with the theme of Implementing safety responsibilities and promoting safe developments. ACEG Algerian Branch would carry out a series of activities during the work safety month, such as work safety knowledge education and the Party history knowledge contest, sending employees with cool refreshments in hot season, etc., so as to further strengthen the awareness of the  employees of where the work safety red lines would be and provide guarantees for the safe developments of ACEG Algerian Branch.
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