
Main structures completion ceremony held for Project Military Academy of Algiers
ACEG Algerian Branch  |  Updated: 2021-01-21  |  Views: 12328
December 28, 2020 / Algiers, Algeria / ACEG Algerian Branch officially held a grand ceremony for the main structures completion of Project Military Academy of Algiers. Director of the Infrastructure Bureau of the Military Academy; Deputy Director of the Infrastructure Bureau of the Military Academy; The General Manager of ACEG Algerian Branch and all the employees of the project, both Chinese and local, have witnessed this great moment.
At the ceremony, the leaders from the Military Academy and   ACEG Algerian Branch jointly poured the last barrel of the concrete for the main structures of the building, marking a new phase for the whole project works.
Since December, 2020, the project department has carried out a 30-day schedule expediting plan and beaten off the COVID - 19 pandemic and the difficulties caused by the rainy, cold and windy season, and finally, through the diligent spirit, close cooperation and hard work of all the project staff, the construction task of the main structures were completed in advance.
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