
Perseverance and dedication amid the pandemic, ACEG`s staffs head toward their jobs overseas
ACEG Overseas Co., Ltd.  |  Updated: 2020-11-26  |  Views: 12908
ACEG Overseas / November 20 & 21 / Algiers / Abuja / Some 20 ACEG staffs in two teams arrived in Algeria and Nigeria respectively, after several of their previous flights were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the long flight of more than 20 hours, they were fully equipped with full protective clothing for self-protection, they wore protective suits, goggles, medical gloves and N95 facial masks the whole journey. They were required not to drink or eat, and strive to achieve 100 percent “zero contact” between their skins and the surrounding objects.
Due to the lack of the experiences of wearing protective clothing, some of them had a whole lot of sweating, breathing difficulties and other discomforts, some of them had temporary dizziness due to hypoxia and fortunately they all overcame the difficulties and finished the whole journey smoothly.
They are now all in good health and are being quarantined for 14 days in accordance with local epidemic prevention requirements. This is the fourth batch of ACEG employees going back work overseas and also the largest number ever this year.
We believe they acknowledge the risks to their health and the fear of getting infected, but in view that there is work promised to be done, they started the journey despite the pandemic.
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