
Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman, High Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan, inspected Project of Afghan Embassy in Pakistan
ACEG Pakistani Branch  |  Updated: 2020-10-12  |  Views: 11828

September 30 local time, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman, High Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan and his delegation, inspected the ongoing project of Afghan Embassy Complex in Pakistan, contracted and undertaken by ACEG Pakistani Branch.


Welcoming Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and his delegation to the worksite, Mr. Hu Haitao, General Manager of ACEG Pakistani Branch, introduced in details the progresses of the project and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah expressed his appreciations of ACEG Pakistani Branch`s contribution to the construction of Afghan Embassy in Pakistan and the long-term friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries and hopes that ACEG Pakistani Branch will make persistent efforts to ensure that the Embassy is put into operation at an early date.


H.E. Pang Chunxue, Charge D`Affaires of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, accompanied Dr. Abdullah Abdullah during the inspection.





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