
ACEG Road and Bridge Won a “Li Chun” Award Again
Anhui Road and Bridge Co., Ltd.  |  Updated: 2020-10-10  |  Views: 11564
The National Road Quality Development Cloud Forum organized by China Road Construction Industry Association officially concluded a few days ago, during which, the annual Li Chun awards 2018/2019 were awarded in the form of online network. The project Expressway Huangshan to Qimen completed by Anhui Road and Bridge Co., Ltd. - one of ACEG`s subsidiaries, professionalized contractor for road and bridge construction and engineering, was honored with a“Li Chun” Award.
“Li Chun Award” was named after Li Chun - a famous craftsman who designed and built the Zhaozhou Bridge in Sui Dynasty more than 1,400 years ago, known as the best preserved ancient single-span stone arch bridge in the world. “Li Chun Award” is the highest national award granted to highway projects of excellent construction qualities and also the highest honor for highway builders in China.
"Li Chun" Award
             "Li Chun" Award Certificate
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