
ACEG entered the latest ENR`s Top 250 International Contractors List
ACEG Overseas   |  Updated: 2020-08-24  |  Views: 10899
On August 21, Engineering News-Record (ENR) published the list of ENR`s 2020 Top 250 International Contractors. Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. took the No. 178 spot, jumped up 2 spots from 2019. It was the 12th consecutive year that ACEG has been on ENR`s Top 250 International Contractors List.
A total of 74 Chinese companies were on the list and Anhui Construction Engineering Group ranked the 54th among them.
邯郸县| 石城县| 莒南县| 长沙县| 分宜县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 乐山市| 梅州市| 霸州市| 南岸区| 淳化县| 松滋市| 阳山县| 吴江市| 基隆市| 额敏县| 洱源县| 连南| 沂南县| 比如县| 上高县| 奈曼旗| 瓦房店市| 若羌县| SHOW| 九寨沟县| 尚义县| 喜德县| 宕昌县| 庐江县| 定州市| 平度市| 成武县| 璧山县| 安国市| 靖西县| 巴马| 台东市| 灌云县| 合肥市| 南华县|