
ACEG Algerian Branch: 1000-home project in El Tarf gets structure completed
ACEG Algerian Branch  |  Updated: 2020-08-14  |  Views: 10896
El Tarf, Algeria, August 10,2020 / At noon on August 10, the main structures of the 1,000-unit housing project in Algeria`s El Tarf province, contracted by ACEG Algerian Branch, was successfully completed as the last barrel of concrete was poured in place.
Project 1,000-unit housing in Algeria`s El Tarf province was funded by the Algerian National Housing Improvement and Development Agency (AADL) and solely contracted and undertaken by ACEG Algerian Branch, with a total building area of 77,500 square meters and the building types are comprehensive multi-storied residential buildings.  
Since the start of the project, the staff of the project have completed a total of 44 buildings despite the impacts from the raining season and the COVID-19 epidemic. They have been extremely strict in safety and quality and have won the owners'' recognition and praises.
The successful completion of the structures has also inspired the heroic spirits of all the project staff who dare to struggle and win, and their confidence are enhanced in successfully completing the rest tasks of the project.
The debut of tunnel formwork technology in this project has shown great advantages in labor costs and work efficiencies compared to the traditional processes. In addition, the project is also a pilot project of the management department in Algeria to further promote localized employment. The localized employment rate reaches 64%, which has greatly reduced the hard currency expenditures and provided more jobs for the local residents and ACEG Algerian Branch has won high praises from the local communities.
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