
Ambassador inspected ACEG (Pakistan) Branch`s on-going projects
ACEG Pakistani Branch  |  Updated: 2020-06-19  |  Views: 10536
H.E. Mr. Yao Jing, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, made an inspection trip to ACEG (Pakistan) Branch`s on-going project sites in Islamabad the other day, accompanied by Mr. Hu Haitao, general manager of ACEG Pakistani Branch.
Ambassador Yao first expressed his appreciation to ACEG workers who was sticking to their front-line operating posts during the epidemic, and then, he did a detailed on-the-spot inspection and said he was satisfied with the progress and quality of the projects.
Mr. Hu Haitao said he was grateful for the cares and supports from Ambassador Yao and the Embassy, and that under the guidance of the Embassy, ACEG (Pakistan) Branch would continue to give full play to the advantages of the existing economic and trade cooperation platform between China and Pakistan, strive to develop new businesses and continue to keep the good image of a Chinese state-owned enterprise with responsibilities.
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