
ACEG Pakistani Branch donated epidemic prevention materials to local police
ACEG Pakistani Branch  |  Updated: 2020-05-07  |  Views: 8865
On May 1, Mr. Hu Haitao, General Manager of ACEG Pakistani Branch, visited the Police Station in the Legation Quarters in Islamabad City and donated to the Police Station on behalf of the Branch Company, some epidemic prevention materials such as automatic spraying sterilizers, hand sanitizers and surgical facial masks.
Mr. Hu Haitao has expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Police Station for its long-term concerns and help to the employees of the Branch Company and had a cordial talk with Mr. Syed, the Chief of the Police Station, on the prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic and public security situations in the district.
Mr. Syed has thanked ACEG Pakistani Branch on behalf of the Police Station, for the donation, saying that he and his colleagues would continue to provide securities for all Chinese personnel in the area under his jurisdiction.
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