
Project Afghan Embassy in Pakistan: Structures of the apartment building completed
ACEG Overseas  |  Updated: 2019-10-12  |  Views: 6833
On September 29, ACEG Pakistan Branch, Project Afghan Embassy in Pakistan held a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the structures of the diplomat apartment building, H.E. Mr. Shukrullah Atif Mashal, Afghani Ambassador to Pakistan; the Supervision Engineer; Mr. Chen Shen, the Chief Engineer of ACEG Overseas Company; Mr. Hu Haitao, General Manager of ACEG Pakistan Branch and the Project workers'' representatives attended the ceremony.
The staff of the Project Afghan Embassy in Pakistan has been working day and night and has overcome many difficulties such as high temperatures and rainy weathers and has been ensuring the safe works and qualities since the project started and achieved the completion of the main structures of the apartment building ahead of schedule. Ambassador Mashal, on behalf of the Afghan Embassy in Pakistan, thanked the project staff, he said the diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan were involved in the construction of the embassy buildings and the project constructed by a Chinese company reflects the Afghan Government''s trust in China and hoped all the project staff continue to work hard and complete the entire works on schedule with good qualities.
Ambassador Mashal, accompanied by Mr. Chen Xin, inspected the construction sites and held a working talk there after the ceremony.
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