
Roofing Completed for the 1st Building of 1, 000-Unit Housing Project in Darf, Algeria
ACEG Overseas Br.  |  Updated: 2018-05-22  |  Views: 5080

May 11 has marked the ssuccessful completion of the roofing construction on the 1st building of the 1, 000-Unit Housing Project in Darf. Algeria and it has also marked the technology of tunnel formwork a new stage with the Company.

The building area of the 1st building of the 1, 000-Unit Housing Project was 439 Sqm. per floor and the concrete amount consumed for each floor was 130 cubic meters and the total construction time was 26 days. The staffs there have continuously optimized and improved the construction processes and sped up the construction from 10 days for one floor at the beginning to 4 days for one floor at present, this has provided path-breaking experiences for the future construction tasks.


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