
ACEG (Bolivia) Branch Carries Out Spanish Language Training
ACEG Overseas BR.  |  Updated: 2018-05-04  |  Views: 5066

On April 27th, ACEG (Bolivia) Branch formally kicked off the Spanish Language Training Courses and all the staff of the branch company attended the event.

Two interpreters with the branch company act as the tutors and the courses are the basic phonetic symbols, daily vocabulary, and terms combined with their daily work needs through teaching methods such as scenario simulation, questioning in class that have motivated the staff''s interest in learning the language.

The branch company will adhere to the Spanish language training courses and the emphasis is to improve the staff''s oral ability.

The staff will spend 1 hour of their spare time every day attending the training courses,

The branch company’s goal for the activity is to foster interdisciplinary talents who know the technology and speak good local language as well so as to lay a good foundation for the further development of the market in South America.

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