
ACEG Nigerian Branch Set Up Its Lagos Office
ACEG Branch (Nigeria)  |  Updated: 2017-12-22  |  Views: 5295
ACEG (Nigeria) Co., Ltd., the branch company of ACEG in Nigeria, in the attempt to expand businesses and better serve the local customers, officially hanged out the brass plate of its Business Office in Lagos on December 1, 2017.
The location of the Office is adjacent to the Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Consulate General in Lagos.
The headquarters of ACEG (Nigeria) Co., Ltd. is in the Capital City Abuja and Lagos is the largest city and port in Western Africa and the former Capital of Nigeria.
滕州市| 延寿县| 承德市| 淮安市| 南平市| 买车| 台山市| 确山县| 灵台县| 汶川县| 临武县| 姚安县| 广饶县| 抚顺县| 通州市| 勃利县| 桑植县| 新和县| 通榆县| 潜山县| 双流县| 虞城县| 武鸣县| 大足县| 修武县| 淮滨县| 金秀| 古丈县| 永昌县| 隆子县| 梁平县| 大余县| 临夏市| 肥城市| 壤塘县| 望奎县| 历史| 沙田区| 年辖:市辖区| 永和县| 黔东|