
Nigeria: Refurbished HUAWEI Office Buildings Handed Over
Overseas Br.  |  Updated: 2017-12-21  |  Views: 5028
The Décor Project – Huawei’s Orient Office Buildings in Nigeria have been completed by ACEG (Nigeria) Co., Ltd., and on November 26, 2017, the team representing Huawei Headquarters accepted all of the works satisfactorily after strict supervision, quality examination and audits processes.   
This Project has a total construction area of 6200 Sq. meters and started on November 23, 2016, with several sections.
吉林省| 高青县| 浪卡子县| 新绛县| 萨迦县| 阳高县| 麦盖提县| 赤城县| 开阳县| 镇安县| 白银市| 烟台市| 安丘市| 思南县| 永仁县| 海林市| 福安市| 定州市| 伊川县| 聊城市| 阳原县| 凤阳县| 荔波县| 临西县| 哈尔滨市| 大足县| 曲水县| 金塔县| 泽州县| 双江| 宁阳县| 睢宁县| 东明县| 二手房| 全州县| 绿春县| 宁乡县| 枣庄市| 织金县| 长宁区| 武平县|