
ACEG Overseas:Key Tasks for Current Stage on Algerian Market Focused
Admin  |  Updated: 2017-09-07  |  Views: 5985
A special analysis meeting for issues on Algerian Market was held in ACEG Overseas Co.,Ltd days ago. Present at the meeting were company leaders including G.M. Mr. Chen Xiuxiang, Deputy G.M. Ms. Xing Yingmei and the management staff with projects in Algeria.
Mr. Wan Qing,general manager of management division in Algeria reported the production and operation situations in Algeria for the first half of the year, task and mission fulfillment, general implementation of 6000-unit housing project in Constantine and subcontractors’ implementation for 6000-unit housing project in Constantine. Participants expressed their opinions and suggestions on operation deployment, project management and difficulties and problems encountered in Algeria.
After the report, Mr. Chen Xiuxiang, the General Manager of ACEG Overseas raised requirements briefed in four perspectives: firstly, lay efforts to expand the business operation in Algeria and ensure the new projects shall be in compliance with four principles including funding capability, foreign exchange scale, security guarantee and construction capability. All contracts of new projects shall be subject to the review of the headquarters; secondly, we shall strengthen the project management, including labor localization, new technology application, guidance for Chinese workers in use of large-scale machinery and equipment; thirdly, we shall accelerate the implementation of 6000-unit housing project in Constantine and deal with the subsequent problems arising from the plots allocation for the subcontractors; fourthly, we shall accomplish the final settlement for the already handed-over project of the University City in Constantine at an earlier date.
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