
ACEG Won the Title of National Outstanding Construction Enterprise
  |  Updated: 2011-04-14  |  Views: 8114

Good news from China Association of Construction Enterprise Management: Anhui Construction Engineering Group has been awarded the title of 2010 National Outstanding Construction Enterprise. The candidates were recommended by relevant associations and the result was approved by the Evaluation Committee of China Association of Construction Enterprise Management.

Anhui Sanjian Engineering Co.,Ltd also won the title of 2010 National Outstanding Construction Enterprise. Cheng Dongbo, from ACEG Domestic Contracting Co.,Ltd, Lu Qinbin, from Anhui Sanjian Engineering Co.,Ltd, Chen Runkun, from Anhui Sanjian Engineering Co.,Ltd, Xie Chenggui, from ACEG No.1 Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd won the honor of 2010 National Outstanding Construction Project Manager. Wang Weidong, from Anhui Road & Bridge Engineering Company won the honor of 2010 China Construction Industry Advanced Professional Manager.

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