
ACEG Ranked among Top 60 Chinese Contractor for Seven Consecutive Years
  |  Updated: 2010-12-24  |  Views: 6932
Awards ceremony of 2010 Top 60 Chinese Contractors and Chinese Design Firms by ENR /CONSTRUCTION TIMES was held in Harbin. ACEG ranked among Top 60 Chinese Contractor, and it was the seventh time that ACEG had this honor. It was reported that this year’s list had characteristics of higher threshold standard, dominance of state-owned enterprises and rapid rise in business performance.
蒲城县| 旌德县| 比如县| 宁陵县| 花莲县| 南阳市| 新宾| 大连市| 连城县| 句容市| 建瓯市| 四会市| 望都县| 乐业县| 阿巴嘎旗| 玛纳斯县| 内乡县| 安泽县| 常德市| 江陵县| 汉川市| 冀州市| 台北市| 巍山| 新疆| 九龙县| 蓝田县| 石泉县| 阳信县| 长海县| 井研县| 临城县| 金乡县| 临海市| 尉犁县| 黔西县| 北宁市| 武隆县| 阜康市| 霍城县| 来宾市|