
Chairman Hu Met with Delegation from Czech
  |  Updated: 2010-07-23  |  Views: 6474


On July 20th, President and Chairman of ACEG-Mr. Hu Yuncheng had a meeting in Hefei with the delegation headed by Ms. Jana Vanhova-governor of Region Usti, Czech. Also at the meeting were Mr. Xiang Changming, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Anhui Provincial Government, Mr. Wu Kang, General Manager of Overseas Development Company and Mr. Zhou Aijun, Party Secretary of the Company.

During the meeting, President Hu welcomed the guests from Czech, gave a briefing of ACEG and expressed his wish for bilateral exchange and cooperation. Ms. Jana Vanhova spoke highly of ACEG’s strength and gave a detailed introduction of construction market in Czech. Subsequently, concerning cooperation and extensive participation in projects at Czech, President Hu and entrepreneurs of the delegation conducted discussion and exchanged their views fully about projects’ feasibility. Ms. Jana Vanhova also made kind invitation for President Hu to visit Czech at his convenience.

In addition, President Hu participated in the signing ceremony of  Friendly Relationship Establishment Agreement between Anhui province and Region Usti presided by Mr. Wang Sanyun, Governor of Anhui province and  Ms. Jana Vanhova, Governor of Region Usti, Czech. President Hu was also present on the occasion when Ms. Hua Jianhui and Mr. Tang Chengpei, the two vice governors of Anhui province entertained the delegation from Czech .


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