
Structure of Hospital Building Completed in Sierra Leone
  |  Updated: 2010-06-30  |  Views: 6486

From June 18, 2010 to June 24, 2010, Liu Yulin, Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Counsellor,’s Office of the Embassy of the P.R.China in the Republic of Sierra Leone, Zhang Mingwu, Director of Department of Technical and Economic Supervision, Executive Bureau of International Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce, PRC, experts from China Railway Seventh Group Co.,Ltd inspected carefully the main building and project documents of Chinese foreign-aid hospital project in Sierra Leone contracted by Anhui Construction Engineering Group, Overseas Development Company. During the acceptance meeting, the inspection team fully affirmed the construction quality, the standardization of construction site and management of technology team. This project passed the mid-term inspection successfully.

This project consists of main building (6089.8 square meters), experts’ living quarters (772 square meters), dining hall (302.1 square meters), auxiliary building (173.7 square meters), equipment room (301.2 square meters), others (91.1 square meters, including garbage station, incinerator and 2 guard rooms).The total construction area covers 7738.9 square meters.

This project commenced on July 16, 2009. The construction technology team united and dedicated themselves to overcoming various difficulties such as adverse construction environment, tight schedule and heavy works. After nearly 11 months of hard work, they achieved intended goals.

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