
  |  Updated: 2008-11-11  |  Views: 6089
During the time of Nov. 8th and 9th, 2008 a seminar was held at Anhui Financial & Economic University to discuss the theory and practice of the Chinese reform on economic management and to celebrate the 30th anniverssary of starting publication of the magazine “Economic Management”, which has been attended by the leaders from Anhui Province People’s Congress and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and representatives from institutions of higher learning, the government concerned and mass organizations as well. Mr. Hu Yuncheng, the chairman of ACEG, is the sole representative of famous Anhui enterprenuers, who made a speech on Some Consideration of the Old State-owned Enterprises.
沁水县| 大厂| 彭山县| 偃师市| 应城市| 邹平县| 巫山县| 南丹县| 梁平县| 汉中市| 建水县| 宁远县| 车致| 胶州市| 阿拉善左旗| 栾城县| 广安市| 新建县| 金阳县| 文水县| 白山市| 河南省| 图木舒克市| 泰兴市| 三台县| 信丰县| 庆阳市| 灵武市| 江陵县| 和政县| 中阳县| 太谷县| 望谟县| 麦盖提县| 鲁山县| 顺义区| 陈巴尔虎旗| 高平市| 尉氏县| 治县。| 喜德县|