
ACEG Won the Citation of May 1st Medal for Excellent Works
  |  Updated: 2008-05-13  |  Views: 6296
Anhui Provincial Labor Emulations Committee has, jointly with Anhui Provincial Trade Union in General awarded the merit to Anhui Construction Engineering Group of “Advanced Unit for Anhui Provincial Labor Emulations” and the citation of “May 1st for Anhui Province” days before.
Ten entities out of one hundred and one nominees from across the province, who were titled advanced units, were awarded with the citations of May 1st. through evaluations and election by the organizers. ACEG has also been awarded as the Advanced Unit for the Organization of Labor Emulations in Anhui Province.
Pending the event, Mr. Dou Bengang, a mason with ACEG 1st Civil Engineering Co, has been award elected an advanced individual for labor emulations; Mason Squad Wangyuefei with ACEG 3rd Civil Engineering Co., and Squad for Tensioning with ACEG Road & Harbor Engineering were both awarded “Anhui Provincial Model Squad”;
Technical solutions such as “New designed hoist cage and its front platform” by Cheng Huaxu and other fellows with ACEG 1st Civil Engineering Co.; “Methods for measurement controls on site” by Qiu Lilong with ACEG 2nd Civil Engineering Co.; “Hints for using Y-typed arms crane” by Wu Chaohui with ACEG 3rd Civil Engineering Co. and “A Sample of test services for construction site in Hefei City” by ACEG Architectural Science Research Inst. have all been honorably elected as “Anhui provincial key rationalization proposals” and “Technical updated achievements” respectively.
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